This is a good piece to even broach the matter which is more like erased in the consciousness of the literary writing world. I'm an avid submitter with over 50 successes to my credit. Though based in Africa, by writing bio reads like a roll call of American lit mags and justifiably so. The same funding challenge which is responsible for their dearth also constrains my options in choosing an African journal to submit to because for all you know, the archives bearing the link to your piece could suddenly be pulled down from the internet because of indebtedness to servers located outside the continent. Even our national newspapers cannot sustain their digital archives. Western funders of African NGOs may well think of devoting a portion of their funds for literary journals on the continent. My two kobo.

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Hardly noticed in the African Literary article is the systemic corruption of countries in Africa. Sure there are no cultural organizations because people who work for African organizations steal from it. Corruption in these countries is a divine right and nobody says anything. Stealing is expected from any head of most, if not all, government organizations.

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Thanks for this!

I found a typo in the URL for the last journal in the list (“Will This Be A Problem?”). I corrected it in the XLS copy I made for myself, but you probably want to correct it in the original doc too.

(Correct URL: https://www.willthisbeaproblem.co.ke/

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Thank you for pointing it out

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Thank you, fixed!

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May 17Liked by Benjamin Davis

Great article and list. Thank you for this!

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Thank you for this. I have never seen someone talk about this, and I thank you for exposing me to some new mags and writers.

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Thank you for an article the likes of which I haven't seen before! When I was in school 20+ years ago for creative writing, you would have thought that the US, Europe, and a few isolated spots in S. America were the only places that had ever produced writers worth reading. I'd like to think that American education has changed by broadening its view over time, but you know, I doubt it. Thanks for putting this out there, creating a starting point.

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