Are your ready to rock? No? Too bad!
First thing’s first…is that the right way to use that apostrophe? I hope so. Anyway, first thing that is first—yeash. OK, I don’t know. But here we go.
We have 1-year comps and $50 giveaways for
and for helping us with naming our editorial feedback & jobs board columns! The name for the feedback column you all voted for was actually Steve’s idea. It will be called “RE: Your Submission.” So we’re shelling out for second place and using, “With Love, The Editors,” as the sign off for the column.So, Richard & Nisha, please email me your PayPal info! (
And speaking of columns, we had our first “Jobs for Writers” post!1 Yay! Folks are always asking me how to make progress in the lit world beyond just submit, submit, submit, and I always tell them to find work in the industry. It can be full time, part-time, volunteer positions, whatever fits your schedule. And since the publishing world needs all sorts of jobs, you can often use your skillset to get a foot in the door. So,
will be your new guide. She will be aggregating and vetting positions for the writing industry to share once a month (at first) for this column. If you want to check out the first post, here it is:We will also be publishing pieces from folks who have “How to Break In” stories. Published pieces will get $50 or a 1-year comp.
And if you’ve got a job in the writing world, let us know here:
» submit your job posting here «
What else did we publish this week?
Well, since you asked, let’s see.
Reminder! We have segmented this whole newsletter so you can have the experience that fits your needs. All of our content is set into different series that you can turn on and off to avoid any unwanted inbox clutter. Just go to this link to find the toggles for each series: → Manage your subscription ←
Upcoming Events!
We’ve got some more Fuck it, Submit! Parties scheduled. These are one-hour events every week for folks to come and submit together. We will be there to answer any questions about the submission process and, you know, just be super awkward in the background. Here is where you can register:
November 7th at 12:00 PM EST » REGISTER HERE
Also, I am developing a little course on how to use Chill Subs to streamline your submissions (along with loads of other tips, tricks, and tutorials). I am going to need to do some run-throughs to refine it. Is that the sort of thing you’d be interested in? Kind of a how-the-sausage-is-made course on submissions. The only requirement is that you spend 60-90 min or so learning with us and then fill out some feedback forms.
How to start writing your novel workshop over at Forever Workshop!
Yeah, we don’t share every workshop that goes on over at The Forever Workshop (our sister newsletter and #7th best education newsletter on Substack). But yeah, Amy Shearn is teaching an awesome class over there for the whole month of November. And it’s going to be awesome and 50% is free so if you’re working on a novel or thinking about a novel, hey…check it out.
OK, I think that’s it this week. If you love all we’re doing the best way to help is by sharing or signing up as a paid subscriber.
For transparency, the name Richard recommended was “Jobs for Word Nerds” which we thought was a lot funnier and possibly more apt. But was less clear so we took Richard’s recommendation and boring-a-fied it.
Omg yay! How exciting!
In 2024 I had 3 poetry books published (by 3 publishers from 3 different countries) and I can teach anyone how to submit to lit mags in 12 tips - - all the while creating a new book.
An entire course ... for noobs, I guess?