i had to read the subject line so many times because it sounded like "tony stubblebine" was some kind of rare subject that only writers get...truly losing my mind

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I like to use AI for editing purposes, but you have to be careful how you ask it to edit. If you are not careful it starts changing your story. I think some people ask it to edit then copy and paste and they are done, but you need to read that final edit and make sure it's really your words and it only edited it and didn't write for you.

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Thanks so much for this interview - it gave me a lot of hope actually. So often it feels like you do so much work to just contribute more to the noise noise noise and why even bother, and then you find others saying no, it's worth it, I want to experience your human experience... I've been writing a lot about signal in the noise, and just wanted to say I'm really grateful for this bit of signal today!

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When I tried AI for the first and last time, I entered my satirical piece about looking like you belong when sitting alone in a foreign cafe. AI responded that my piece was politically incorrect. I typed "Does AI then, have no sense of humor?" Response ... "A sense of humor is a uniquely human quality that AI doesn't possess.

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Blogs are dead, or dying. Too many people with little to say all blogging. AI is a tool we will all use, especially writers. Sure AI is HATED in the writing world, but it too great a genie. Using AI for fun, I'd say it can write at the 6th-grade level. (54% of adults have a literacy below a 6th-grade level.20% are below 5th-grade level). When a major writing contest is won...and it is coming... using AI, all is lost.

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This is extremely good and valuable. Much respect for Tony based on this interview alone!

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