Who we are and what we do here

Sub Club is the leading cause of well-published among writers.

Active ingredients include:

  • up to date submission calls from literary magazines (every week)

  • details on top agents and open indie presses for book authors (every week)

  • where to pitch your nonfiction and get paid for your essays (every week)

  • plenty more insights, interviews, and opportunities for writers (you guessed it).

Sub Club is strictly reader-funded. There are no advertisements or sponsored listings, affiliate links or anything else. All thoughts or feelings we provide are ours alone unless they’ve upset you in which case they were some other person’s. We don’t know that person. 

It is important to us that hardship never be a barrier to creative success so if you're under any financial strain, just let us know and we'll give you a scholarship.

If you're new to submitting, we made a free 12-lesson course in our partner project, The Forever Workshop, that you can take here.

When you’ll hear from us:

We send 3-4 newsletters per week, usually on Mon. Wed. and Fri. We also make posts regularly on the homepage. Paid subscribers have access to all content. 

Need help? subclubnewsletter@gmail.com

Refund Policy: If you need a refund, no worries. We are happy to give one up to 14 days after your subscription start date. Just email ben@chillsubs.com.

Data Policy: None of your data is used for anything other than to send you our newsletters.

Our team:

  • Benjamin Davis (Managing Editor)

  • Shannan Mann (Editor / Where to submit)

  • Kailey DelloRusso (Where to Query)

  • Amber Petty (Where to Pitch)

  • Rachael Clemmons (Editor)

  • Nikita Klimov (Art & Design)

  • Shelby Stretton (Marketing)

  • Karina Kupp (Dev & Data)

  • Bea Becker (Editor - Sub Club Specials)

  • David Mahaffey (Consulting Editor)

This project is wholly human-made by the same team behind Chill Subs, The Forever Workshop, and Write or Die Magazine.

Subscribe to Sub Club

Submission opportunities for creative and professional writers delivered to your inbox weekly.


Co-founder of Chill Subs
Author. Editor in chief of Write or Die Magazine. Your ally in creativity and accountability.
Chill Subs & The Forever Workshop
Grumpy face at Chill Subs
Founding Editor of ONLY POEMS
bad at writing quippy bios.
building Chill Subs and writing sad songs
Ben or Shannan or Kailey or whoever hacked our account