Guess what? We’re going to start doing some events and education for writers with a focus on getting you published. They will be live. On video. With resources. Yes, with Q & As and all that jazz.
First up!
Is Your Work ‘Good Enough’ for Publication?
Date: Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM PT (or 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET) + 15 min Q&A
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
As writers, many of us already second-guess our voice, work, and inherent value as a person on a regular basis. So how on earth are we supposed to know when our work is “good enough” to submit to lit mags? First, we have to understand that “good writing” is subjective: It varies across readers, editors, and journals. Because of this, it’s helpful to focus on when our work is “ready” instead of “good enough.” Join Janelle Drumwright for a discussion of specific steps we can take as writers to do our best work and know when our writing is ready to submit.
This (and all future education through Sub Club) will be free for paid subscribers. So if you’re into this sort of thing, become a paid subscriber here:
And if you’re only interested in this one course, no worries, it is $20 a head. It will be recorded and sent to all who register after it runs.
Either way, please register using this form here:
This workshop will be taught by Janelle Drumwright! Janelle Drumwright has been a teacher at The Writers Studio since 2012 and for the past 3 years has been teaching writers how to submit their work to lit mags. Her work has appeared in Moon City Review, Necessary Fiction, and Naugatuck River Review, among others. She was the Production Editor and a contest reader at Carve Magazine for five years and is currently a reader at The Masters Review. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Arizona and a certificate in narrative medicine from Columbia University. Find her at
Shit, we forgot about the bears.
I know a lot of people who would love to attend this but are suddenly jobless or down-and-out. Would you consider a pay-it-forward option where subscribers and one-time registrants can give a little extra to fund tickets for others?